Personal Chakra Harmony Analysis

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Balance Your Chakras and Unblock Your Spiritual Inheritance!

Overcome and clear the chakra energy blocks that are not serving you and claim your inheritance ~ a loving relationship with Spirit, vibrancy, healing and the ability to manifest an abundant life of joy.

With this Personal and Professional Chakra Harmony Analysis you will:

  • Discover what your hidden limiting beliefs are, where the energy of these beliefs is being held in your energy system, and how to free yourself from their negative influence over your life. Examples revealed may include issues of abandonment, guilt, unworthiness, and more.
  • Understand the relationship between your primary and secondary chakra energy imbalances and how they affect your well-being
  • Learn how to heal your imbalanced chakras with suggestions and easy techniques that harness the energetic power of your individual personality
  • Receive intuitive guiding and healing messages from Spirit about any of 30 possible areas pertaining to your current physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Spirit may tell you which body parts to nourish, how to better fulfill your emotional needs, or even which crystals you should use!
  • Become empowered to clear the blocked chakra energy and cellular resistance
  • Open yourself to receiving a more loving, joyful, peaceful, healthy and abundant life experience
  • Receive helpful personal information and guidance you need to Unblock Your Spiritual Inheritance!

Perfect for those just starting out with chakra balancing as well as those experienced but frustrated with the slowed progress of their personal healing.

*~* BONUS *~*


You will also receive private access to a full-length (40 minute) Chakra Energy Clearing guided meditation


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Kathy A


HOW IT WORKS: After checkout you will receive a confirmation email with next steps. 

Please allow up to 3 business days to receive your Personal Chakra Chart via email. Dorian needs time to complete the analysis and create your personal chart before it is sent on its way to you.

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